Gliese 581: The Depature

Gliese 581: The Departure

Christine D Shuck

guest post by Evan C

shuck gliese 581

Genre: Science Fiction

Sub-genre: Colonization/Apocalypse

Novel, novella, short story: Novel

Serial or stand alone: Serial

Setting: Earth/Deep Space/Gliese 581

Synopsis: In the final days of the 21st century, Daniel Medry and a crew of brilliant and talented scientists and researchers leave Earth on a mission to the Gliese system – the first extra-solar journey of its kind. Shortly after their departure, a terrible virus is unleashed upon Earth, highly infectious and nearly 100% fatal. Soon the colonists will learn that they are some of the last unaffected humans left. And if the challenge of establishing a colony on a distant alien world and re-creating the human race wasn’t enough, someone on board is trying to kill them all. Will Daniel and the rest of Calypso’s crew survive the journey?

Thoughts: What a great story! There are two major plot points going on here… one, a deep space colony ship is making its way to a planet that is (hopefully) suitable for mankind. Two, Earth is succumbing to a virus that will make certain that this is a one-way trip.

The colony ship is not a generational-ark, but rather the crew is placed into hibernation, using a skeleton crew to simply to make sure things run smoothly during the trip. What they don’t know is that someone (or something) wants to make sure they never arrive. The suspense is palpable during the ship scenes.

On earth, corporate greed raises its ugly head and in the race for profit, a virus of sorts is accidentally released into the world that will make you think twice every time you have hunger pains. Seriously, I freak out a little bit every time my stomach growls now. Thanks, Christine! šŸ˜‰

And that cliffhanger ending… Wow! You can be damned sure I’ll be reading the next book when it’s released!

I recommend this book for those who like deep space colonization stories with a nice little apocalypse thrown in for good measure.


About the author: Christine Shuck is a writer, community educator, business owner, homeschool mom, and organic gardener. She lives in an 1899 Victorian in Kansas City with her husband and youngest daughter.

A self-described auto-didact and general malcontent, Christine can be found outside in the warm months, tending her garden, laying brick walkways, and threatening her chickens. In the cold months you will find her inside, painting walls, creating art, hand-sewing curtains, and trying out new recipes in the kitchen.

At all times you will find her brain filled with words, plot twists, and characters just waiting to get out. Just ask her, she’ll smile secretively and nod.

Christine writes cross-genres. At present, all of her fiction is linked through families and shared characters in a shared universe known as the Kapalaran Universe.

She also blogs regularly at:

The Deadly Nightshade –

The Homeschool Advocate –

You can also find the latest updates on her writing adventures at:


Amazon: Ā 



evan c

About Evan C.: Evan a devout fan of all things post-apoc. Thankfully (for me at least) heā€™s also got a bit of in the stars sci-fi love as well. If you have an interest in post-apoc books, films, or art, Evan is THE Man to see. He can be found here:




Every Part of the Animal

ralston every part of the animal

guest post by Jenn W.

Every Part of the Animal

Duncan Ralston

Genre: thriller

Sub-genre: gorey awesomeness

Serial or stand alone: stand alone

Setting: Canadian Mountains

Characters: Bo, a single mother; Caleb, Boā€™s 10 year-old son Ā 

Synopsis: Bo is a single-mother working hard to survive in the harsh and unforgiving mountains of Canada. Since the disappearance of her son Calebā€™s father, she has managed to provide everything she and her son need to live, even if that means hunting and killing animals. Boā€™s life seems to be going as planned until an interruption from a big-city, animal-loving music star threatens to destroy the safety and way of life she has worked so hard to build. Bo has to decide if there are limits to what she will do to protect her life and her son.

Thoughts: Duncan Ralston does not disappoint. The story is simple but the characters and plot are surprising and complex. As a mother, I can related to Boā€™s need to protect her son and her way of life. Limits cannot be placed on a motherā€™s instinctive desire to love and sacrifice for her children, but circumstances may create a situation where doing what is right becomes confusing. I empathize with Bo as she tries to protect her family and her privacy. I also cringe at the reality of life, but revel in the gruesome horror of how one decision may change everything. Duncan Ralston holds nothing back.

ralston author

About the author: In addition to Every Part of the Animal, Duncan has also published the collections Gristle & Bone andĀ Sweat & Blood. His first full length novel, Salvage, was released in 2015. He is one of the creative madmen behind the indie publisher, Shadow Works Publishing. He lives in Toronto with his girlfriend and dog.








About Jenn W: Sheā€™s a reader spanning the genre-globe, an NP (nurse practitioner for those unaware), and mother of two. She loves a good story, but great ones are even more awesome.

Weekly Round-up 5-6-2016

Weekly Round-up


With last Friday consumed with the Kindle upload of Suspended Bridges, this weekā€™s Round-up is actually for the previous 14 days. The upload went well, and while this new collection isnā€™t sci-fi or horror or any of my other tangents of weirdness, Iā€™m pleased it is now up and I can move on to another project. The next item on my agenda is publishing The House on Lake Tacit, which is a large lit novel. I know, I know, this doesnā€™t fit into the Poets of the Dead Society theme, but this falls into the category of ā€œanything else I feel like talking about.ā€ So, with that announcement out of the way, hereā€™s what I read and watched since we last communicated:

Legend of the Dawn (2012) JR Wright

wright legend of the dawn

And yes, I know, I really do know, this doesnā€™t fit the theme either. But I feel it is a good idea to read out of genre. It works as a mental palette cleanser, for me anyway. And this pre-Western (I consider anything with a setting prior to 1870 an anteWestern) definitely cleared the mind of mutants, aliens, demons, and all the other unfriendlies I typically read. Wrightā€™s novel reads a bit like a McMurtry, not a Lonesome Dove McMurtry, more like Streets of Laredo. Wright does have McMurtryā€™s propensity of killing off characters, and doing so suddenly and brutally. No character is safe from the harsh life in the upper-Mississippi river frontier of the 1840ā€™s. A fun, quick read, and just what I needed.

West of Paradise (2014) Marcy Hatch

hatch west of paradise

Since this is a time travel novel it does fit into the sci-fi theme. I have this strange thing going on with random connections. I will admit to not reading blurbs (I hate writing them, hence I dislike reading them), so the plot and setting of my reading material is always a first-page mystery. Here we have people going back in time, to the old-West of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1881 to be specific (though Tombstone makes an appearance later). I enjoyed this foray into the West, with the requisite bank/train robbers, bounty hunters, U.S. marshals, and other assorted Lā€™Amour-esque characters. Male lead character Jack is a time traveler who decided to stay in the West and become a bounty hunter, chasing a femme fatale who shot him when he foiled a train heist. Female lead Katherine, another time traveler (five years after Jack), just happens to look exactly like the dastardly Alanna McCleod, the shooter Jack has been searching for. Ah, so we can see how this complicates matters when Jack sees Katherine. Enjoyable, with diverse settings, including 1880ā€™s Boston, and plenty of old-West flavor. While this isnā€™t going to rock the world of a sci-fi purist (or probably a traditional Western lover), it is light, with the obligatory romance, and the mandatory comeuppance of the evil-doers. Hatch has set it up for a sequel, though, to my knowledge, that has yet to be published.

Children of the After: Awakening (2013) Jeremy Laszlo

laszlo children awakening

And now, back to the regularly scheduled post-apoc mayhem. Awakening is book one of Laszloā€™s 4 book series about three siblings trying to survive in a devastated world. Jack, Samantha, and Will have been isolated in a vault for months and have no idea what has befallen the world. When lack of food forces them to emerge from their sanctuary, they find their home town of Chicago has been torched and deserted. Having no idea what has happened, they set out to find answers. The story is a bit slow, but the destroyed world is vividly depicted. The three lead characters are well-drawn, and Laszlo spends a substantial amount of time in his charactersā€™ heads, letting each tell a part of the story. The psychological elements of young people trying to cope with a world in ruins are well done, and most importantly they are believable. The bond between the three siblings is also the glue which holds this story together. I cared for each of them, and didnā€™t want to see them come to harm. After reading the aforementioned Legend of the Dawn, I had fears of arbitrary character-killings. This is a good story, and I can understand why it has over 700 reviews. Itā€™s also free, which does help, but Iā€™ve read enough freebies to know that free isnā€™t going to get you 700+ reviews. Only a well-written story can do that.

Unnamed Novel by Unnamed Author

Knowing firsthand how much work goes into writing a novel, and how hard it is to get any exposure for said novel, has I read I try to find something good or worthwhile in everything, especially those indie-toilers with limited resources. However, every once in a while, something comes across my Kindle which is so bad I cannot find even the smallest piece to redeem it. I wonā€™t name the novel or the author, as it serves no purpose other than to open a can of electrified worms better left buried in the bayou. Letā€™s just say this particular sci-fi novel had bad characters, a rehashed Borg-like plot, and enough stupidity to make James Rollins look like a potential Pulitzer winner. Writing a novel isnā€™t easy, but sometimes reading one can be even more difficult.

Okay, thereā€™s the reading selections for the past two weeks. As Iā€™ve said before, with the arrival of spring my reading time has been curtailed. I have watched a couple of new (and old) things recently. Hereā€™s a brief rundown:

In the Heart of the Sea

Iā€™d say a giant man-hating mutant whale fits the Poets theme. I enjoyed this Moby-Dick background tale. I might even reread Melvilleā€™s overly-long novel, or perhaps re-watch the Gregory Peck film. I do need to have a good revisit with the Patrick Stewart version, because it is always good to see a non-Picard, non-Shakespearean Stewart doing his commanding thing. But this new version of the misanthropic cetacean is pretty good. Chris Hemsworth is his squinty-eyed, rock-chinned self, and Cillian Murphy continues his career of Judson Scott lookalike. Entertaining, hey I enjoy being entertained, what can I say? And I might just read Nathaniel Philbrickā€™s book about Essex.


Carrying on my randomness, prior to In the Heart of the Sea, Iā€™d no memory of seeing Cillian Murphy in anything (though after an IMDB search, I had seen him in 28 Days Later, granted that was over a decade ago and back when I was in a less than focused mental state). So, by the luck of whatever DVD was sitting on top of the stack, I watched back-to-back Murphy movies. Strange how this works, because the same thing happened with Chris Hemsworth (Star Trek being the other one). Inception has a great premise, which of course brought up memories of Brainstorm and the semi-truck off the cliff scene. But I digress (which will be the title of my never-to-be-written autobiography). Who wouldnā€™t want to be able to play an active part of his/her own dreams, or even run-amuck in other peoplesā€™ dreams? At times confusing, like most dreams, and like certain other Christopher Nolan films, I still liked the movie. I decided not to try to make sense of everything, because any attempt to do so, would either make me feel an idiot or a psychopath. Dreams are dreams, and Inception is Nolan, ā€˜nuff said.

The Terminator

Since Inception got me in a throwback mood, what better movie to revisit than this classic? Love this flick, even thirty-plus years later. And yes there are more detail plot holes than a Dan Brown novel, but I donā€™t care. I donā€™t care how cheesy the special effects are, like the HK-Arial jerking itself around, or the Bass-Rankin stop-action of the 800 series endoskeleton, or the fact that somehow not one, but two!!! AMC Gremlins make an appearance. Watching a film like this can almost make me think Iā€™m 13 again, and briefly forget Iā€™m closer to 50 than 30. A ground breaking film, and while not perfect, itā€™ll always be close enough for me.

Well thatā€™s enough for this week. Next time look for a few thoughts on iZombie and Ascension. Along with whatever I happen to read and watch in the next few days.

Cheers folks, have an awesome weekend


The Eternal Seaon (a second look)

bumpus eternal season

The Eternal Season

(The Swallowed World book one)

Tyler Bumpus

Evan C. over at FromTheWastes has already done a PotDS post on Bumpusā€™s The Eternal Season, however, I wanted to share a few thoughts on it as well.

The story is a very good one, but what sets this apart from other post-apocalyptic works is the believable world Bumpus has created. The amount of work and forethought that went into building this world is nothing short of astounding. The Eternal Season, while a standalone novella, is but one snippet in the many lives of primarily post-apoc America, but also Mexico and Brazil, among others. There are scores, if not hundreds, of future stories to be told within the myriad events Bumpus has envisioned. From the downfall of America through climate and economic factors, to crusading religious zealots, to genetic alterations and new non-petroleum based energies and advances in genetic and neural technologies, this is a world completely rewritten. The depth and detail of the setting, as elaborated on in the provided glossary is akin to reading a Penguin History of Modern Times. Within the recent ā€œhistoricalā€ context and in the contemporary actions of the characters, the setting is what makes this book stand out. It is one thing for a writer to say, ā€œThis is the world after the fall.ā€ It is something else altogether to delve into why it fell, and then explain how the fall has altered everything which followed.

And this background information is far more complex than the ā€œone bomb led to a thousand and thereby destroyed civilizationā€ approach. Not that this concise, often vague, prologue is flawed. Albanians nuked Naples, hence, bringing down the entire world, according to Nevil Shute in On the Beach. Of course, that was in 1957, and the brief premise still works now as well as it did then. George Miller didnā€™t elaborate on why the wastelands became the wastelands. It happened, the world changed, and survivors must persevere, which is the theme of most all post-apoc fiction. That hope the human race isnā€™t dead. Of course, Shute didnā€™t see it this way, but that is what makes his book so great. Even with nothing to live for beyond a few weeks, humans still clung to something that no longer existed.

But I digress. That point is Bumpus has explained the cause, and the effect, and the why leading to the how, when, and where.

As I ponder this, I recall one of my favorite authors from my teenage years: Tom Clancy. Specifically, Iā€™m thinking of Red Storm Rising. Here was cause and effect in detail. World War III didnā€™t just start on a whim, it had complexity many, many years in the making. Kind of like the convoluted history of the Balkans leading to World War I, which in turn led to World War II. Anyway, the point is, Bumpus has done his research, coupled with an expansive imagination, and done something not easily accomplished: built a realistic, believable world with a thousand possible stories. His world is a place I look forward to visiting a many times in the future. I applaud Bumpus for his work, his creativity, and for what stories he has yet to tell us.

Iā€™ve included an excerpt from the glossary. This is but one element of Bumpusā€™s The Swallowed World setting:

GREAT AMERICAN RIFT, THE: the wholesale collapse of the United States of America as a political and federal entity in Y3, DE. Though pundits still argue over which ā€œstraw broke the camelā€™s back,ā€ myriad issues were contributing factors. Including, but not limited to: the Petrol Drought; the resultant crippling of transit and supply lines; Old State resource disputes and rampant poverty; the nutricides and impending nation-wide famines; post-antibiotic pestilence; terrorism foreign and domestic; the Calamities and the shortfall of federal aid in devastated regions (esp California); and growing separatist camps lambasting the federal government as ā€œa defunct relic unable to govern its vast continental breadth.ā€ One thing remains certain: the Rift plunged America headlong into a new age of industry, war, and technology from which there was no returning.

Ā Bumpus, Tyler (2016-02-01). The Eternal Season (The Swallowed World Book 1) (Kindle Locations 1837-1840).Ā  . Kindle Edition.


Tyler Bumpus can be found at the following links:






And here is a link to Evan C.ā€™s review:


leonard collapse


(Ferine Apocalypse book 1)

John F Leonard

Genre: apocalypse

Sub-genre: human mutation/fall of civilization

Novel, novella, short story: novel

Serial or stand alone: stand alone (book 1 of Ferine Apocalypse series)

Setting: UK (multiple locations)

Characters: Sam, George, Joe, Julian, Adalia, Pearcey, Elliott, Caroline, Ranj, Phillip, Mr. Monkton, Tom Crabtree

Ā Synopsis/blurb: The sweeping sickness, a global pandemic.

Billions lie fallen, gripped by an unknown affliction.

Hope is all the few survivors have. Hope that the collapsed will recover and wake again.

But waking is when the real nightmare beginsā€¦

A mystery illness sweeps the globe. Swifter and more virulent than anything ever recorded, enfolding the earth like a savage hand snatching a childā€™s marble.

The City Flu in Britain.

The Sweeping Sickness in America.

Misnomers, semantics, swirls of the matadorā€™s cloak, the names donā€™t matter. There isnā€™t time for that. Normal life is slipping its gears, sliding into unknown territory. The illness is never properly classified, identified or studied. The descent into disaster is too fast, the effects so debilitating that the impact is already catastrophic. Put simply, vast numbers of people become too ill to work and so things stop working.

Horror is here, and greater horror lies ahead.

Because the collapsed arenā€™t just unconscious, theyā€™re changing.

Ā Thoughts: These are not zombies, not as weā€™ve come to imagine them. Mutated humans have taken over and are determined to kill and devour those immune to the unknown pandemic which has swept over the Earth in a matter of days. Leonardā€™s tale is one driven by his eight (yes, at least eight) lead characters. Through these immune survivors, the reader sees how the outbreak began, how it consumed family and friends, and how they now fight to continue surviving in a world now populated with mutated killing beasts. The stories of these men and women are key and Leonard has created a believable cast of normal folks, cast into an unreal situation. What they did before the outbreak, what they did to survive, and how they come together is written extremely well. And with such a large cast, the question is, who is going to die? Or in this world, who is going to live? Through all the death and horror, Leonard does maintain a tone of humor. Not blatant comedy, but just enough wit and clever word-play to prevent the novel from falling into complete hopelessness. While there is little to be thankful for in this world turned mutant-infestation, there are a few moments of sun and wry smiles. All told, this is a great take on the apocalypse, full of the associated horrors, mutilations, sacrifice, determination, disbelief, and perseverance. An enjoyable read, and a great addition to the ever-growing genre.


Ā About the author: John was born in England and grew up in the industrial midlands, where he learned to love the sound of scrapyard dogs and the rattle and clank of passing trains.

He studied English, Art and History and has, at different times, been a sculptor, odd-job man and office worker. He enjoys horror and comedy (not necessarily together).

He is currently working on a number of projects, one of which is a new book set in the ever evolving post-apocalyptic world of Collapse.

Check out his website:Ā


Amazon US:

Amazon UK:



Weekly Round-up 4-15-2016

Weekly Round-up


Here we are again, with another week having blown itself into the past. As I said in last weekā€™s post, with springtime turning the trees and grass green and the Pirates whacking and chucking, my reading will slow down a bit. After six solid months and a few hundred books this is a welcome respite. Iā€™m still reading, albeit at a reduced pace. Too much to do, after being confined indoors for six months. Iā€™m also on the cusp of releasing a new short story collection, with a large novel to follow. Anyway, hereā€™s the weekly roundup.

Uroboros Saga (book five) (2015) Arthur Walker

walker uroboros 5

This catches me up on Walkerā€™s excellent sci-fi epic. Iā€™ve reviewed the five (so far) books of the series, and this is a great read. From book one, all the way through, I highly recommend this intelligent, entertaining, and well-written series. Itā€™s a thinker, and a damn good one.

Hereā€™s a link to Walkerā€™s PotDS page, which will connect you to my reviews of his books:

Collapse (Ferine Apocalypse Book 1) (2016) John F Leonard

leonard collapse

In a matter of days the world collapses as an unknown sickness sweeps the globe. 95% of the Earthā€™s inhabitants succumb, only to return as mutated killing-eating no-longer-human beasts. This isnā€™t a traditional zompoc. Here we have genetic mutations ala Resident Evil, 28 Days Later, and Rich Hawkinsā€™ fabulously bleak The Last Plague and its sequels. Leonard is a witty writer, who has a great feel for his characters. The plot follows several people (far removed from each other) as they struggle through the collapse of humankind. Not as dire as Hawkins, but not many things are. For all the tragedy and death, Leonard keeps the humor close to the surface (much as Al K. Line does in his Zombie Botnet series). A longer review will be posted in the next day or two.

The Forgotten Garden (2008) Kate Morton

morton forgotten garden

What is this? you might be asking. Well, I will tell you. After reading about the end of the world (in more ways than Iā€™ve ever thought possible), for me it is always a good idea to read something different, something which doesnā€™t involve wanton carnage, brutal dismemberments, and other such delightfully fun visions of the fall of humankind. While Mortonā€™s book isnā€™t exactly a happy-happy joy-joy, it is an intricately conceived tale, spanning a century and half the globe (from Australia to the Cornish coast of the UK). A very nice digression, and I was wondering when the Frances Hodgson Burnett reference would appear (it did so, in a way I had not foreseen). This was also my nightly traditional (aka paper) read for the week. Now I ready to delve into a few more end-of-days type tales.

And nothing new on the movie/TV scene, so thatā€™s a wrap for this time. Until the next Friday (or the next review post), cheers folks and have a great week.

Uroboros Saga (book five)

walker uroboros 5

Uroboros Saga (book five)

Ā Arthur Walker

As of now, April 13, 2016, Iā€™m caught up on all the books (5) of Arthur Walkerā€™s Uroboros Saga. This, simply put, in the basest of terminology, is a great series. Book five further expands the plot, with more characters arriving, the pasts of others revealed, and enough action and schemes (both altruistic and nefarious) to warrant either a deep initial reading, or a complete reread. Walkerā€™s imagination seems nearly endless. The story keeps growing, as opposed to funneling down to a finite conclusion. This is a unique form storytelling (and not just sci-fi)ā€¦unless one doesnā€™t like open-ended books, then this might not be your thing. Each of these books is a fluid piece of the whole (and for those who are not aware or have conveniently forgotten, Tolstoiā€™s War and Peace, is actually five books, available to modern readers in one mammoth volume).

I will admit to having little offhand to compare this to. Obviously, the homage to Randā€™s Atlas Shrugged is there, as are the Gods from Greek and Roman epics (those who venture among the masses for self-amusement, to render guidance, or out of plain old boredom with the clouds and mountain tops). However, my knowledge of Greco-Roman mythology is limited so I will refrain from making an ignorant fool of myself. There are also hints of Asimovā€™s Robot/Foundation series, R. Daneel Olivaw could easily be in this. But no, this is entirely Walkerā€™s work. Perhaps, it says more about Walkerā€™s world and imagination, that both defy an easy, direct comparison. Uniqueness is rarer than we realize, and Uroboros Saga is a refreshing original.

As I think back to when I read book one (in December ā€™15), I remember thinking Iā€™d not read anything like it before. Now, five months and four books later, I still not read anything like it. From its setting, to the plot, to the POV shifts, to the time-frame jumps, Uroboros Saga is unlike anything Iā€™ve read (or seen, or heard about, or even thought about).

Iā€™ve stated this in earlier reviews, but I am planning on going back to boo one, and rereading the entire series (plus book six, et al, whenever Walker releases future installments). (And by the way, this is a parenthetical review, as apparently, today my brain is working in smiley/frownies). Excellent book, excellent series, which keeps getting better.

For links to reviews of Walker’s other work, check out his PotDS page

walker arthur


Ā Amazon: ro


Weekly Round-up 4-10-2016

Weekly Round-up


Well folks after a bit of a delay Iā€™m finally getting around to this weekā€™s round-up (snails in the Comcast box took down my internet, I know, this sounds like something from eco-scifi, but it did indeed happen). With spring having arrived (at least in Utah) my reading will be tapering off a tad, but Iā€™ll still be sharing those books and stories I do read. Iā€™ve also a fairly tall stack of DVDs to watch, and some TV shows to catch up on. So without further meandering, here are this weekā€™s reads:

Ambrose House (2014) R Toola

toola ambrose house

A novella about a pair of unexplained disappearances from thirty years ago. A bit wordy at times, not that Iā€™m too bothered about an abundance of words since I have my flowing wordage moments, this is an interesting story of two men revisiting the site (the eponymous Ambrose House) from where their childhood friends vanished without a trace. A tale of friendship, life after trauma, and loveā€™s power to conquer evil.

Eleven Miles of Night (2013) Edward Trimnell

trimnell eleven miles of night

Here we have a novel about a haunted stretch of road in rural Ohio. All sorts of malevolent spirits call these woods and fields home. A good, moody piece, if a little lacking in outright scares. Still a fine story with a deep lead character. The journey down the darkness of the haunted road is as much a metaphor for the myriad manifestations of an insecure mind as it is an actual physical journey. There is a lot going on in this novel, and it also has a lot of positives.

As They Rise (book one of the Eva series) (2015) Jen Wilde

wilde as they rise

Hey, zombies have made it to Australia (those Brits donā€™t have a living dead monopoly). This is a freebie book 1. This book pretty much follows the standard zompoc road trip formula. Nothing groundbreaking here, but it is written well and the Aussie setting is a nice change of pace. And with its young adult/new adult audience there is the requisite love story (however, thankfully it is not a triangle).

The Eternal Season (The Swallowed World book one) (2016) Tyler Bumpus

bumpus eternal season

Evan C. has already done a Poets post on this excellent novel. I read it this week and this book is every bit as good as Evan claimed. The post-apocalyptic world Bumpus has created is nothing short of remarkable in its depth, detail, and believability. This reads like a classic sci-fi, ala Asimovā€™s Foundation series. The glossary, on its own, is worth the price of the book. Excellent, excellent, yeah, this is one the best books Iā€™ve read this year.

Hereā€™s the link to Evan C.ā€™s fine review:

The Day of Battle (book 2 of The Liberation Trilogy) (2007) Rick Atkinson

atkinson day of battle

The paperback addition for this weekā€™s round-up. An overview of the Allied invasion of Sicily and Italy, told with Atkinsonā€™s inimitable deft and humorous hand. I know war is not a laughing matter, but Atkinson does poke a light-hearted finger when called for. It doesnā€™t dismiss or diminish the horrors of war, especially the slog-and grind which typified the Italian campaign. Iā€™ve read the first book of the trilogy, An Army at Dawn about the Allied invasion of North Africa, and this book continues Atkinsonā€™s readable and detailed narrative.

So thereā€™s the weekā€™s new reads. I also finished watching the first season of ZNation. Iā€™m still not overly impressed, however, I will watch second season, just because thatā€™s what I do. I can think of a few long-running TV series that got off to rough starts, The Next Generation, DeepSpace 9, and Babylon5 immediately come to mind. There are some good points to it (though a few characters can go ahead a die). More on this after I finish season two.

One last mention: I watched the Spielberg/Cruise War of the Worlds. A little disappointed I must say. And wow, I did not see that end coming. Nope not at all. A virus kills them, wow, thatā€™s original. Iā€™ve a planned War of the Worlds post in the works, so you can look forward to my babbling in detail about this subject (films and book) at a future date.

Anyway, thereā€™s the wrap. Have a great week folks, and check your box for snails (just to be safe).

Inish Carraig

zebedee inish

Inish Carraig

Jo Zebedee

This is a highly enjoyable read, though I will admit it was not what I had expected. Not that I can actually say what my expectations were. Being an 80ā€™s child, the phrase ā€œpost-alien invasionā€ conjures up images of Red Dawn and heartless, murdering Cubans and Soviets. Back in the 80ā€™s, much like in the 50ā€™s, aliens were really thinly veiled metaphors for Godless Communists hell-bent on world domination. Well, there is no Patrick Swayze or Powers Boothe in Zebedeeā€™s Inish Carraig. There are aliens, actual aliens, who have conquered Earth and the story does take place post-invasion. No Captain Hillers can save us. No viruses. No Gene Barrys. Nope. Humans have lost. But there is a virus; however, it is created by one alien species to exterminate the aliens. So again, humans are mere bystanders in the galactic opera playing out on Earth.

Not all aliens have the same ideas about what to do with the little weak humans and here is where the story diverges from whatever it was my mind had preconceived. Here we have xenocide, conspiracies, a prison, a pair of alien races who despise each other, a Galactic Council, and two young boys caught in the middle of all of the above.

The story does involve one tenant of humanity: ingenuity. Humans may have lost but we havenā€™t given up. Zebedee uses this trait in an understated and very effective way. Though all might seem hopeless, there is always a way to prevail, even if it means sacrificing the here and now for the long term victory.

Zebedee does bring up a point which we egocentric humans really do not want to consider: Earth may be more akin to an isolated island in the South Pacific than to the Western Civ notion of ā€œThe Cradle of Civilization.ā€ We might be sitting here waiting for Captain Cook to show up, with ships and guns, for more advanced than outriggers and spears. Though we do like think the continuous expansion and exploration, which began in the Mediterranean, will continue out into the stars. And it will be us who bring enlightenment to the backward and primitive inhabitants of distant worlds. At this point, either scenario is possible, though we would much prefer to view ourselves as the proactive ones. Yet, the other possibility is worth contemplating. For a moment or two, anyway, because we all know that even if technologically superior aliens do appear, we will find a way to defeat them. It is a given, though our own history tends to refute our own claim. Those South Pacific islanders never defeated a western or eastern ā€œoccupationā€ force, regardless of how ingenious they were.

As I said in the opening, this wasnā€™t what I was expecting, but what I got was a refreshing change from the standard formula.








wyatt moonfall


MoonFall series book 1

A.G. Wyatt

Genre: post-apoc

Sub-genre: dystopian survivalist

Novel, novella, short story: novel

Serial or stand alone: book one MoonFall series

Setting: post-apocalyptic Virginia

Characters: Noah Brenna, Molly Burns, Sanni

Synopsis: While sleeping in a tree, Noah Brennan wakes up to a baboon. Thankfully, the primate is only passing through. The only problem, however is that this takes place in Virginia. But twenty years after the moonā€™s unexplained explosion anything is possible, even a baboon in Virginia. Noah is soon to find out a wandering non-political primate is the least of his worries. He inadvertently runs across the Apollonians who are at war with the Dionites, neither of which is any more rational than the above mentioned baboon, and Noah is caught in the middle.

Thoughts: So, if the moon explodes Earth will plunge into apocalyptic chaos? I will buy that premise. Iā€™m sure there are numerous ā€œtheoriesā€ saying nay or yea, but Iā€™m not one for hypothetical why/why nots. The reason why humanity has fallen into lawless anarchy isnā€™t really important. The setting is the crucial thing. Wyattā€™s MoonFall takes place twenty years after said moon exploded, and after twenty years the Earth is well on its way to turning into what was the pre-explosion moon: a dead rock in space. Here we pick up the lead character Noah, a solitary wanderer just trying to survive what has become the wasteland of what once was the United States. Noah is a self-professed selfish coward, only concerned with his own survival. Again, Iā€™ve no problem with this. In many ways archetype Max was the same way. Noah does get himself entangled with a group attempting to rebuild civilization, who not surprisingly are in conflict with another group who wants to prevent any such return to the way things used to be. Wyatt tells a good story of the loner who would prefer to remain a loner, but gets caught up in events he cannot control. To him, life was a simple matter of staying alive; however, as so often happens, he discovers there is more to living than merely eating and walking. While, the premise is certainly not new, Wyatt does present it in an entertaining way. And I do find it fascinating to see what writers will come up with for these post-apoc characters to worship, and MoonFall does not disappoint in the odd item for veneration. Oh, and as this is book 1, this is also the beginning of a quest, as Noah is tasked to discover why the moon exploded and just what his father may have had to do with it. An intriguing book 1, well written, and I do like those hot female red heads. I may have neglected to mention Sgt. Burns, she of the tattoos and temper. Read it, you will see what Iā€™m referring to.

About the author: Wyatt has completed three more books in the MoonFall series: MoonFire, MoonDust, and MoonRise. The first book, MoonFall, the subject of this PotDs post is free in Kindle format.



