The Last Outpost

hawkins last outpost

The Last Outpost

(“The Last” trilogy book 2)

Rich Hawkins

Genre: apocalypse

Sub-genre: genetipoc/alien invasion?

Novel, novella, short story: novel

Serial or stand alone: stand alone, book 2 of The Last trilogy

Setting: United Kingdom

Characters: Royce, George, Amy

Synopsis: Royce is a wandering survivor of the plague which has wiped out humanity. He has no goal, no destination, other than to survive another day. Each step could mean a horrific death at the claws, tentacles, and/or teeth of the mutations now inhabiting the charred, abandoned wreckage of the UK, and most likely, the entire planet. Along the way Royce meets George and Amy. But life is tenuous, friendships fleeting, and death ever-present.

Thoughts: Hawkins admittedly claims he prefers his apocalypses bleak, and The Last Outpost is beyond mere bleak. This might be the bleakest novel I’ve ever read. Yet, it is beautifully bleak. Hawkins’ writing style is as sparse as his apocalyptic United Kingdom setting. In a world overrun with hideous mutations, with giant tentacle objects floating amidst the never-ending rain clouds, with humans well on their way to extinction, the setting isn’t one of flowers and pretty landscapes. And Hawkins doesn’t write flowery. He does write with a painter’s brush, bringing this vision of death and devastation to brilliant life with a minimum of words. But those few are the only words he needs. As I said in my review of The Last Plague, the first book in this series, Hawkins’ writing is far above any genre. I’d would confidently place Hawkins word for word against any writer, living or dead. And we haven’t even gotten into the story yet, which is worthy of an essay on its own merit. Though mentally numb from months in the plague’s wasteland, fighting monsters, mutations, and other humans, all just to survive another day or another hour, Hawkins’ characters are still very much alive. Main character Royce is wracked with survivor guilt; questions why he is alive and his wife and daughter are dead; fears losing the memory of them. Old man George, has a poignant moment where he finds a copy of one his books he wrote before the plague (I loved that scene), pregnant Amy is only alive because her unborn child gives her something to fight for. I could easily write several thousand words praising Hawkins’s work, but I won’t. Not here anyway. In summation, The Last Outpost and The Last Plague are two of the best books, I’ve ever read. Period. In any “genre.”

About the author: Hawkins is from Somerset, England. A self-proclaimed “lovable rascal” he now lives in Salisbury with his wife and dog. In addition to The Last Plague he has also written The Last Outpost, Black Star Black Sun, and appeared in several anthologies. 







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